What is your height?:
5 ft 4ish
Whats the one sexual thing you cant wait to try?:
An orgy! The more the better
What is your cup size?:
I don't know, I never wear bras. Probably B?
What is your star sign?:
What day is your birthday?:
17th October
Whats your favourite colour?:
Whats your favourite sex position?:
Whats the most kinky place you've had sex?:
At a lookout overlooking a crowded beach
Share your most embarrasing sexual moment?:
Not much really embarrasses me, but when I was younger I thought I was home alone with my boyfriend, so we were being pretty loud. Very loud. Then all of a sudden, my mum shouted my name...
What do you do on Sundays?:
I don't do anything on any days, ever
Give us all your best sex tip.:
Don't be afraid to use toys in the bedroom. It's not gonna replace your dick
Whats your fav body part and what makes is special:
My ears because without them I wouldn't be able to listen to music
How did you orgasm for the first time?:
I was too young to remember!
Have you ever tried anal and do you like it?:
I've had some bad experiences with it so I don't really like it
Have you ever had a threesome and was it fun?:
Yes, I've had ggb and ggg threesomes, it was a tonne of fun!
Alot of people want to experience more sexually, what is your advice to them?:
Ask first